
Features and Benefits

We have allowed our cellphones and tablets to become the remote control for our cars, homes, bank accounts, and health care. It is critical you have MTD protecting that connectivity”

Mobile Threat Defense (MTD)

Powered By Zimperium MTD

Mobile Device Protection

An attacker’s primary goal is to find a way into your cellphone or tablet and fully compromise and weaponize it to gain access to everyone and everything you use your phone for hundreds of times a day, such as online banking, purchasing, communicating, setting alarms, and opening or locking your car. MTD is one of the world’s most recognized cyber protection Apps for your family’s mobile devices.
MTD will tell you when your device is secure and WHY.

Safe App Protection

Most of us never think twice about going to the App Store or Google Play to download an interesting or helpful app. Even from these legitimate sources, hackers develop innocent-looking apps that contain malware you cannot see or detect. They exploit these inside your phone to take control of your data and your phone. MTD constantly monitors your apps and warns you if it sees any security issues with the apps you are downloading and the apps already on your phone.

Networks Verification

Most of us are always looking for a free Wi-Fi connection while away from home or work, airports, coffee shops, libraries, or anywhere else we can connect to get online. From a cybersecurity standpoint, that is perhaps one of the riskiest things we all do without thinking about the security of our connection. MTD will tell you if the network you are logging into is safe or not, so you can be confident of connecting anywhere that is safe.

Identify Unsafe Threat Zones

MTD Danger Zone provides real-time information on nearby Wi-Fi networks and their potential risk via an easy-to-understand map view. You can determine which networks to avoid to reduce the risk of your data being stolen or your device compromised. If you inadvertently connect to a potential high-risk network, you will receive an alert and a recommendation to disconnect from the current network. 

Shortcuts Verification

Many do not understand the difference between an App and a Shortcut. An App is a standalone function, while a Shortcut is a link to an app, file, or website. A shortcut is, in fact, a quick doorway that can take you and your phone to places you do not want to because of malware and hacking threats. MTD verifies that all the Shortcuts you have on your phone or tablet are taking you to safe places.

PDF Scan Analysis

PDF files can impact your mobile devices in several ways. They can have embedded malware. PDFs are often used for phishing attempts by asking for sensitive information. If your PDF reader is outdated, it could make your device vulnerable to hackers. MTD analyzes all PDFs before you download them, and it inspects PDF files already stored on your phone or tablet to keep you safe.

Fine Tuning Tutorials

When the MTD App is downloaded onto your mobile device, it will automatically protect your device against the most common threats. MTD will also do so much more by allowing you to access the in-app tutorials and increasing your mobile security protection with additional filtering and extension features.

Forensic Analysis

On average, people store 100 gigabytes of information on their mobile devices. That is like saving 20,000 pictures, 25,000 songs, and 25 hours of videos. This means most of us have no idea what could be living on our mobile devices, doing harmful things, or stealing personal information and data. MTD does a forensic deep-dive analysis of your devices to make certain they are free of dangerous malware.